About the authors...

Hey there.


This is a blog about everything, written by two people with opinions and access to the internet. We also occasionally post videos as compliments to a post if necessary. The blog is also about the development of ideas and concepts, from the initial thought to the final product.

I can't think of anything else at the moment. Below is some personal information about the authors that make the blog what it is.

Arlill Rodriguez is a 22 year old college student and a fourth of the way to the promised land. He works sporadically on many writing projects that no one understands. He spends most of his time writing about the conventional behaviors of human beings and taking it to absurd levels that surprises even him sometimes. He is also an occasional artist, podcaster, and self-proclaimed moron. His dream in life is to tell stories that can change people's lives. His second dream is that he never forgets what being hungry feels like.

Gary Rodriguez is a 17 year old munchkin that loves conversating about things that normal people would classify as "insane". He likes listening to Rap and Jazz at the same time. He also likes having beliefs he doesn't even follow. Gary is a strange individual, but when you read what comes from his "special" mind, you will learn to tolerate him.  For the past 10 minutes, Gary has also been writing in 3rd person, Gary appreciates himself.

Arscribs is a changing beast with many different variations.
We're on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxg6zju0D37JA7RMQxL_oq
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/user19885446
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/randomscribblings/
Tumblr: http://randomscribblesblog.tumblr.com/
and Twitter: https://twitter.com/HHowardson
Questions/comments/death threats? Email us at randomscribbledwords@gmail.com

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