Friday, February 17, 2012

Now What? - Progress...10%

September 13, 2011...
Raindrops may be falling on my head, but they haven’t slowed me down yet. This week was unexpectedly a really productive and enjoyable one. With no scheduling complaints to fix, I went to all of my classes without trouble and have begun to appreciate the diversity and unimaginable brilliance that most of my professors contain and if that’s supposed to be a brown-nosed statement, well, let’s just say I’m knee-deep in mud right now. Philosophy is still a problematic course but I imagine that it has been for all of the class so far as we’ve been introduced to a new way of thinking about life, and suddenly been dropped into the most challenging class so far(despite it being only an introduction). This week was the first time I realized how someone’s statement about each major having its own difficulty being true. Sure, I may not be a biomedical engineer but I’m pretty certain that I will be writing many more essays than them. I’m becoming more familiar with my colleagues (remembering most of their names and faces), with my study habits(although I still need to experiment with location), and with my limitations(it’s decided: On Friday’s, I will do absolutely nothing except go to class and take a nap. It might be a high school habit that I’ll grow out of, but right now, I welcome any chance of sleeping on a surface that isn’t a desk). I’m beginning to accept the idea of not finding love so suddenly, and taking it slow like I did in high school. Occasionally, I wonder if I would be as impatient about being in a relationship if I was a woman. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has. On Friday, I was given my first assignment as the newest member of IgniteTV, to film the 911 presentation at the oval, the circular walkway near the library. Due to some technical difficulties, I couldn’t film the police officers walking around the oval, and yet, once those difficulties were taken care of, I went back and filmed as much as I could before they started cleaning up the tables and booths. Has it really been 10 years since that horrible disaster happened? I had an interview with someone, a woman who works at the Cleveland clinic, and told her about my encounter during 911, describing it as Christmas morning with a surprise waiting behind the tree. I’m not looking forward to seeing the footage, one because it’s technically an evaluation albeit a constructive one, and two because I don’t and didn’t think I would have the emotional strength to callously point a camera at somebody’s face, waiting for some kind of money-shot that would dignify my reputation as an amateur filmmaker. Although I write about emotional situations all the time and even try to find the humor in it (believe me, I’ve tried to tell one holocaust joke too many), it’s an entirely different thing when it is your own emotions you’re trying to control and when the situation is deeply tied to reality. I’m supposed to film the candlelight vigil on Sunday, but I don’t know if I can do it. I guess we’ll see.

NW? - Registering...                                            NW? - Phonograph

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